
About Us

DNN Tax Service, Inc. is a trusted tax firm located in downtown Friendswood, TX. Since 1982, we have been dedicated to using our knowledge of this industry to help countless clients. Our objective is to make your life easier by taking care of all of your financial needs. Whether you need help filing your taxes, avoiding penalties, or planning your financial future, our highly trained staff is here for you.

In fact, our staff includes an Enrolled Agent (EA) who is licensed to practice before the IRS. You can rest assured our entire team stays up-to-date on the latest rules regarding taxes, which is why we are qualified to give you tax advice whether you are preparing to file or are being audited. In addition, you can count on us to be compassionate and patient as you handle financial challenges. With our team, you are never facing these problems alone.

If you own a business or are about to start one, you can turn to us for answers regarding bookkeeping, payroll, and sales tax. Our past and present clients include doctors, hair stylists, construction workers, and restaurant owners, to name a few, which is why we are confident our services will help you. We can also assist individuals seeking advice when planning for retirement or the future in general. Of course, our specialty is penalty abatement, so we urge you to come to us if the IRS has contacted you. Call today to learn your options.